Edward Kingston - Eddie has a bit of a problem with drinking, it seemingly started with his dishounorable dismissal from the eternal army of Kalia sky division 42nd, often referred to as the youth and beauty brigade. Soon after his dismissal he found himself in the employ of a Mr. Dorian Wolfram, to whom his talents as a pilot, as well as keen observation skills were of great use. Although not a large guy he can handle himself in a fight or hitting the bottle.
Dorian Wolfram - Dorian's the brains of the outfit, and he is damn qualified for the role. A cunning detective, brilliant engineer, and clunsy sorceror, he's smarter than damn near anyone on this side of the globe, alhough he tends to take his time on most problems. No one know's much about his past and he seems pretty intent on keeping it that way.
Cid - Cid is a being called a dwemer, a miraculous blending of magical energies and technological handiwork, there aren't more than a handful in the world. Lord only knows how Dorian got his hands on Cid. Despite, or perhaps in perfect accord with his form, Cid has a wit sharper than a razor, and is deeply intuitive to boot. Although he can't talk, anyone who's been around him long enough'll know exactly what he's thinking anyways.
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